I had three weeks to complete the build before departure day. The parts were ordered and most had already arrived. I was scrambling to find someone to help me with the build but hadn’t been able to find anyone. Then two things happened back to back which just blew my mind.
The first thing that happened was that out of the blue, my friend, Phil, who lives out of state, texts me to say his mother has invited me over for dinner. I found this to be rather strange since his mother has my number, but I ignored this inconsistency and went over for dinner. On top of Phil surprising everyone by being back for the dinner, I happened to talk to his dad, John, who is very skilled in wood working. John agreed to help me build a sleeping platform that following weekend. He later helped me build a control panel to house my electrical system.
The second thing that happened was a last minute plan to have dinner with my friends Cassie and Athena. At some point during dinner, my trip was brought up and I told them about my dilemma finding someone to help me with the electrical setup. It turned out that Cassie worked in a robotics lab and had a degree in bio electrical engineering as well as prior experience working on her motorcycle electronics. She agreed to help me that same weekend.
In hindsight, I realized there was no way I could have accomplished the build without either John or Cassie and I thank my lucky stars they were able to help me out the only weekend I could have worked on the truck.